The EH15 Body Worn Camera By Guard Patrol Products

2 min readJun 3, 2024

Technology is rapidly evolving to provide innovative solutions to age-old challenges. Body Worn Camera is one such advancement that has revolutionised the concept of safety, efficiency, and accountability.

CCTV cameras are useful instruments for surveillance and security but fail to capture footage accurately due to their limited range. Body Worn Cameras (BWCs) are compact, portable cameras that actively record video and audio footage of interactions, activities, or events from the wearer’s perspective.

Body Worn Camera

Introducing our EH15 Body Worn Camera

The EH-15 is a versatile body worn camera designed by our top-notch technicians. With 1080p HD video recording merged with a 140-degree wide-angle lens, 10+ hours of record time, 64 GB Internal Memory, auto night vision, and other captivating features, our device has emerged as the UK’s best range of Body Worn Cameras.

Immersive Role of Body Worn Cameras in Shaping Diverse Industries

Although its usage was formerly limited to law enforcement, BWCs are now used in a plethora of industries ranging from healthcare to construction. Let’s see the application of BWCs in different fields.

  • Retail

The cases of violence and harassment toward retail workers are continuously rising. According to reports, 83% of retail workers have experienced verbal abuse at work. However, the mere presence of BWC discourages potential harm and reduces instances of unlawful behaviour within the store premises. These devices provide evidence in scenarios of shoplifting, employee misconduct, customer disputes, or violence.

  • Healthcare Settings

Combatting serious situations like violence and conflicts is common while dealing with patients and visitors in a healthcare setup. The installation of Body Worn Cameras offers an extra layer of protection for healthcare workers. In case of mishaps, these high-end devices provide conclusive evidence to solve disputes. Moreover, BWCs can avert aggressive behaviour and encourage a peaceful healthcare environment.

  • Security

Security guards are usually the first to reach an incident scene but often encounter aggression and violence from the public. With BWCs, security guards can deter false accusations and effectively de-escalate incidences of violence and aggression. Further, BWCs improve accountability and transparency which helps in holding both parties accountable for their actions and behaviours.


Body-worn cameras have proved to be a transformative technology with widespread applications across numerous industries. Its usage not only enhances safety & security but also improves accountability & transparency, which has proved to be a game-changer for industries. As technology evolves, the role of these devices in shaping diverse industries is set to expand, thereby contributing to a safer & secure working environment.

Guard Patrol Products offer the best security products that help you protect your business buildings and belongings. We have been serving this industry for over 20 years.

Contact us today to learn more about our EH15 Body Worn Camera.




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